The Endometriosis School of Turkey, which we organized the first one this year, was held on 10-11 December 2018 in Istanbul with an impressive participation. The 2-day course, included both lectures on endometriosis, live surgery and a practice session with a wet-lab training. It was an inspiring course for the young colleagues. Skilled endometriosis experts gave excellent lectures.
After the inspiring course, we congratulated Prof. Engin Oral, MD on behalf of our society for being elected as the new President of European Endometriosis League.
We wish him success in his new position.
Osmanağa Mah. Osmancık Sok. Betül Han No:9 D:4 Kadıköy, İstanbul, Turkey
Phone: +90 532 515 69 99
Email: info@endometriozisdernegi.org